Monday, May 14, 2012

Learning At All Ages

I am currently working on my second project for one of my grad classes for instructional technology. As a fifty-two-year old who did not grow up with or might I say, on technology, this has been a struggle.  I have felt every emotion across the board, but the most crippling one is fear.  My professor asked me to explain what I meant in our on-line classroom.  This is my attempt to help the younger generation understand some of us who appear to be set in our ways.

No, most of us are not set in our ways!  We too enjoy learning and want to be the best teachers that we can be.  However, with the onslaught of adding to the educational plate, it is difficult to find the time to learn new things because you see, technology has not been a way of life for us.  It takes massive amounts of time to do the teaching job well, let alone trying to learn a new language and way of life.  I compare it to putting you into a foreign country with no understanding of the language or background into the culture.  This has been such a good lesson for me as an educator because I can now see into the world of children who speak a different language, those who live in poverty, those who struggle to read, and those who don't share my background knowledge.  Wow, what a horrifying experience for a child.  No wonder we have so many drop-outs!!!!

My classmates and teachers in this cohort have been so supportive of me, and they don't even know who I am.  I just ask for all who read this to remember that if a teacher appears to be set in his/her ways, it probably has a great deal to do with fear of failure or feeling like they can't compete in this age of technology.  As an educator, I hope I never forget that empathy and patience help children to learn, just as much as my lesson.

This is so appropriate for all of us who have fear of failure!!!!!!!!!  Things might not be as they appear.


  1. You are doing so well! I am just under forty, and I have to say that I too find it hard to be immersed in all this technology and finding all the links, tweets, docs, surveys, etc! The fast pace of learning, with information overload! We are all so glad you are here-- because that shows a love of learning, regardless of fear! Kudos!

    1. Thanks Andi! I have sat in my sunroom for two days, and needless to say, my backside is sore. I am having a great deal of fun though, and wow, am I learning. The hard way, but hopefully, it sticks with me.

  2. I'm also a 50+ cohorter. It is difficult to embrace all the changes, especially since we need to be critical learners.

    I think the best part of becoming fluent in today's technology is that we are able to make wise decisions regarding which piece of technology will best help us to convey a particular bit of knowledge.

    Hang in there, baby!

  3. Hang in there, technology is overwhelming but its balance. Don't forget to take time for yourself to embrace the new knowledge you are learning.

  4. As everyone has also said, technology can be very overwhelming, scary, frustrating, you name it! I have hit the "40" milestone myself, and I too find that technology is not something that I grew up with. I learned typing on an electric typewriter, our school got it's first computer (Apple on Cart - yes ONE computer for the entire high school) just as i entered high school, and Lord forbid, I had to learn to run a cash register that didn't have pictures of the food items on it! I actually had to ENTER the dollar amount, AND count back the correct change! It is really a different world out there now. But stay strong, because we have a great cohort of very knowledgeable people who appear to be more than willing to help us out! We'll all hang in there together!
